Electric Vehicles

Electric cars are not going to save the world.

It’s true. I’m not going to pretend that electric cars are for everyone. Maybe driving one is right for you. Maybe it’s really not. If you ask an EV owner why they drive an electric car, you will probably get one of three answers. Let’s break these typical responses down a bit to see how […]

Electric cars are not going to save the world. Read More »

Our Story: How We Started Hosting EVs on Turo

My son was born in January, just 15 days after my daughter started walking. We’ve had our hands full, to say the least; but not as full as my overflowing heart. I wouldn’t change a thing. However, the past six months (has it been that long already?) have been some of the most trying times

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Make Money Renting Out Your Car: 10 Tips for Getting Started as a Turo Host

If you want your car to start paying YOU by starting your own Turo business, here’s a few tips on getting started: 1. Set smart prices. Look at what’s available in your area, and set your price competitively (but not too low). You want to be priced just under your competitors, but not so much

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Plugging in – Troubleshooting Juneau’s EV Chargers

You need a charge at one of Juneau’s many public chargers.  So you park, turn the car off, pop the hatch, get out, and plug the car in.  But what if that’s not working? Here’s the most common issues and how to solve them. The car is plugged in to a Level 2, but it’s

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Electric Cars 101

Our interest in electric cars began back in 2013. The technology back then for the common electric vehicle (EV) just wasn’t there. We test drove a Ford Focus EV out a dealership in Columbia, Missouri, (we’re from Missouri, remember) and were thoroughly underwhelmed. The biggest yikes-factor was the remarkably low range and incredibly lengthy charging

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